
  • Cloth Diaper Giveaway

    Enter to win 2 Thirsties Duo Diaper Cloth Diapers from Diaper Junction.  Here’s the link: http://www.diaperjunction.com/101212-FYSF-Win-2-Thirsties-Duo-Diaper-Cloth-Diapers_b_436.html.

    Info from the website: “Thirsties Duo Diapers, like the Thirsties Duo Wrap Diaper Covers, are not a one size diaper, but a two-size diaper. Specifically designed to have two generous sizes, the Thirsties Duo Diapers offer the same variability as a one size diaper system, as well as a more comfortable, snugger, leakproof fit for babies on both sides of the size scale; Thirsties will fit a tiny newborn, as well as a much larger, potty training Toddler.

    The Giveaway Details:

    This week you can enter to win (2) Thirsties Duo Diapers in the size, color/print, and closure of your choice! Your stash will thank you, trust us!

    This Giveaway is open to the USA & Canada only. Winners entries will be verified. Winner has 7 days to claim their prize.”

  • Miracle

    As my pregnancy draws to an end and we prepare to welcome our sweet baby girl into the world, I can’t help but ponder the miracle of life and the human body.  There is a person living and growing inside my body.  How amazing!

    God’s design of the human body is simply incredible.  When I consider the various functions of the body – from digestion to sweat glands, reproduction to hair growth – I can’t help but stand in awe of the Creator.  The changes a woman’s body goes through to accommodate a growing baby are nothing short of miraculous.  While one organ, the uterus, expands to over 15 times its original size, others move out of the way to make room.  Skin is stretched beyond its limits, blood volume increases by 50%, ligaments loosen and bones shift to make birth possible.  And as all of this is happening to the woman’s body, a new body is growing and developing inside.  By 10 weeks gestation, the baby is nearly fully formed.  Barely bigger than a grape, all major organs are present – including a beating heart and functioning liver.  All the baby needs is time.  Nutrition and a safe “home” are provided naturally by the mother’s body. 

    To be able to participate in God’s creation as a mother is a privilege and a blessing.  Because of our marriage and our vow to be open to children, my husband and I have directly participated with God in creating 4 souls.  4 souls that will exist for all eternity.  4 souls that would not, could not, exist without us and our marriage union. 

    As I watch my sweet Caleb grow, my heart is filled with a joy that words cannot adequately express.  For me, to be a wife and mother is my life’s purpose.  This is my vocation.  This is what I was made to do, who I was made to be.  As we prepare to meet our baby girl, the joy of motherhood is multiplied.  I’m so excited to hold her in my arms and to see Caleb in his new role as a big brother.  There are, of course, concerns.  How am I going to get any sleep with a newborn who needs to nurse every 3 hours and a toddler who has been waking every night screaming and will only go back to sleep in our bed?  How am I going to manage grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. with 2 kids underfoot?  How are we going to manage our finances now that I’ll be a stay-at-home mom?  But, I know that these things will work themselves out.  I’ll learn to care for 2 children just as I learned to care for 1 – through trial and error, taking one day (sometimes one minute!) at a time.  I trust that God will continue to provide for our family – He always has in the past, why would He stop now?  The excitement, joy and love that I feel far outweigh the concerns and anxieties.  After all, there is a miracle taking place right now within my very body and another one running around the house giggling.  What more could I possibly ask for?

  • Quick Update

    Just a quick update.  In case anyone is wondering, I’m still pregnant.  :)   Baby is doing well – measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule.  The rest of the family is doing well, too.  Caleb is growing like a weed (2 1/2 inches since his 2nd birthday 5 months ago!).  He is very well-behaved and has an amazing personality.  He keeps us on our toes and brings us so much joy!  I’ll update more when I can find the time.

  • No worries…at least for the moment.

    I had my follow-up ultrasound on March 13th to check on the subchorionic hemorrhage (SCH).  My doctor never called to go over the results with me, but the ultrasound tech said that the SCH was smaller than it had initially been (yay!).  My nurse called to give me my progesterone levels (26, up from 20 2 weeks earlier) and said that everything looked good in the ultrasound.  Baby was moving around and had a perfect heartbeat of 173 bpm.  Praise God!

    Ultrasounds always amaze me.  At our first ultrasound, baby was 8 weeks and looked just like a little bean…a little bean with a beating heart!  At this ultrasound, at 11 weeks, we were able to see arms, legs, feet, and some facial features.  The baby was only about an inch and a half long and nearly fully formed.  All he or she needs is time to grow and mature.  How anyone could say a baby at this stage (or any stage!) is nothing more than a clump of tissue is beyond me…  God’s creation is so beautiful and amazing!  Life is beautiful!

    At nearly 12 weeks, almost through the 1st trimester, I’m starting to feel better.  I’ve got more energy and less nausea, especially in the past 2 days.  I’m also feeling much less nervous and more confident that this baby is going to make it.  After this ultrasound and my last appointment with my doctor, I can honestly say I’m not worried at all.  I know there is always a chance that this baby’s life could end inside the womb.  I know people who have lost babies at 38 or 39 weeks for no apparent reason.  But, I know that I’m doing everything within my power to ensure that this baby has the best possible chance at a healthy life.  Beyond that, it’s in God’s hands.  So, we continue to place our hope and trust in Him – our Beautiful Creator. 

  • Doctor Appointment

    Just a quick update on baby before I slip off to bed.  I had a doctor appointment this afternoon and got to hear the beautiful sound of our baby’s heart beating.  My doctor said that everything looks good.  She feels confident that since the hemorrhage hasn’t caused any bleeding or complications yet, that it most likely won’t.  Also, as the baby continues to grow, the size of the hemorrhage becomes smaller and less significant in relation to the baby/placenta.  So, while 2.5cm was big at 8 weeks, it’s not so big at 10 and will be even less big at 12 and so on.  I have a follow-up ultrasound next week to check on the hemorrhage.  My doctor said as long as it hasn’t gotten any bigger, we shouldn’t have anything to worry about.  (Of course, there are no guarantees…so there is always the chance that complications could still result.)

    I’m feeling SO much better after my appointment!  I’m so thankful for this baby and his/her continued health and growth.  We’re continuing to trust in the Lord that He will bring this baby to full-term.  I was feeling pretty positive going into my appointment today, but am breathing even easier now.  Such a relief and comfort to hear that precious heart beating!  :)

    P.S.  To those of you who are praying for me and baby, thank you so much!  God is hearing you!  Keep the prayers coming!

  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

    Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.  –Psalm 139:16

    REFLECTION by Rev. J. Kirk van der Swaagh

    Human beings — God’s tapestries.

    Psalm 139 is a psalm that reveals the enormity and otherness of God. His divine attributes are on display: omniscience (2-4), omnipresence (7-12), loving-kindness (17-18), justice (19-20), righteousness (23-24), and omnipotence.

    Yet, when it came to express this last attribute, what example did the psalmist use — God’s creation of mountains, seas, or far-flung galaxies? No, he used none of these. To express the wonder of God’s unparalleled creative power the writer mentions the fashioning of the human in the womb (14-16).

    The Hebrew word used to express God’s forming of us in the womb, raqam, is the same term for needlework or embroidery. In other words, we are a tapestry that displays God’s artistic mastery.

    And, like the artist who knows his creation down to the last detail, God intimately knows us. This reality provokes the writer to awe and wonder. He proclaims, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

    What is true for this psalmist is true for each human being. Each is fashioned by God and known by him and we can proclaim on behalf of each, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

    Gracious God, help us to appreciate the wonder and beauty of Your creation. Help us proclaim on behalf of every one of our fellow human beings, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” May the knowledge that we are intimately known by You shape our lives and actions. Amen.


  • 3 Lives Saved

    This story is from the Grand Rapids, Michigan 40 Days for Life campaign.  I almost started crying when I read it, so I couldn’t help but share this amazing testimony to the power of prayer.

    A visibly upset young woman and her mother had just walked out of the abortion center where the 40 Days for Life vigil is going on — and walked right up to one of the prayer volunteers.

    She had been advised to have an abortion because she had difficulties in her life.

    After a short discussion, the two women seemed interested in the offer of a free ultrasound at a local pregnancy care center. But there were two challenges.

    First of all, it was 8:30 in the morning — and the pregnancy center wouldn’t open til 9:00.

    The volunteers decided to take the young woman and her mom to breakfast; that would help them settle down a bit, and it would let them wait until the doors were open at the pregnancy center.

    The second challenge seemed a bit more formidable.  While an ultrasound MACHINE was available, there might not be an ultrasound TECHNICIAN available.  So they all went to the pregnancy center to wait — and pray.

    Within the hour, another couple arrived at the abortion center. They had been told to abort their baby because of possible disabilities.  They had doubts about going through with it — so they, too, were offered a free ultrasound.

    “Can you get us that ultrasound right now?” the couple asked.

    About the same time, yet another couple arrived for an appointment. They had significant financial challenges — and they, too, had been encouraged to abort. “And yes,” said the volunteer, “couple number three also wanted a free ultrasound.”

    Meanwhile, back at the pregnancy center, a car had entered the parking lot. None of the volunteers recognized the car. A woman got out. They didn’t recognize her, either.

    She walked over and introduced herself. “I’m an ultrasound tech and I have nothing to do today,” she said.  “Do you know of anyone that could use my skills?”

    “Seriously!” said the volunteer. “Just like that!”

    Three young women saw ultrasound images of their babies that day. And despite all the reasons each had been encouraged to abort — they each chose life for their children.

    Each of these mothers has a long road ahead and many challenges to overcome. But they’ve taken a wonderful first step. Please keep them in your prayers, and ask Christ to guide them on their way.

    “Before I knew the difficulties of this day, God had planned for our needs to be met,” said the 40 Days for Life vigil participant. “Three couples who had planned on ending their babies’ lives today are still pregnant tonight. Praise God!”

    She added that the overwhelming feeling “is one of both personal humility and awe for our God who did so much today. What a blessing! We praise and honor the Creator tonight. He has done marvelous things!”

  • Miscarriage Prayer

    In honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day tomorrow, October 15th, and in celebration of the short lives of our babies, Francis and Felicity, as well as the lives of my siblings, niece, cousins and friends lost to miscarriage: a miscarriage prayer by Mother Angelica.

    My Lord, the baby is dead!

    Why, my Lord—dare I ask why? It will not hear the whisper of the wind or see the beauty of its parents’ face—it will not see the beauty of Your creation or the flame of a sunrise. Why, my Lord?

    “Why, My child—do you ask ‘why’? Well, I will tell you why.

    You see, the child lives. Instead of the wind he hears the sound of angels singing before My throne. Instead of the beauty that passes he sees everlasting Beauty—he sees My face. He was created and lived a short time so the image of his parents imprinted on his face may stand before Me as their personal intercessor. He knows secrets of heaven unknown to men on earth. He laughs with a special joy that only the innocent possess. My ways are not the ways of man. I create for My Kingdom and each creature fills a place in that Kingdom that could not be filled by another. He was created for My joy and his parents’ merits. He has never seen pain or sin. He has never felt hunger or pain. I breathed a soul into a seed, made it grow and called it forth.”

    I am humbled before you, my Lord, for questioning Your wisdom, goodness, and love. I speak as a fool—forgive me. I acknowledge Your sovereign rights over life and death. I thank You for the life that began for so short a time to enjoy so long an Eternity.

  • Live, Love, Laugh

    We have this saying on the wall above our kitchen sink and it’s exactly what we’ve been doing lately.  Caleb is growing by leaps and bounds.  His personality is really starting to shine.  Lately he thinks it’s hilarious to run the other way when I ask him to “come here.”  He runs into the kitchen and I say, “Uh-oh!  Where’s Caleb?”  Then he comes running back into the living room, giggling the whole way.  He also enjoys showing us his toys.  He will grab a random stuffed animal or car and hold it out to show us until we tell him what it is.  Once we tell him “that’s Snoopy,” he’s off and running again.  So much energy!  I’ve been making different barking noises for all of Caleb’s stuffed dogs.  He has started imitating my “woof woof.”  It sounds more like “oof” when he says it, but it’s so adorable.

    At 16-months-old, it amazes me how much Caleb understands.  The other day I picked up a block in the dining room, handed it to him and told him “go put this back.”  He took it and carried it across the living room and put it into the basket with the rest of the blocks.  He then proceeded to pick up a couple more blocks off the floor and put them back in the basket, too.  Daddy also mentioned one of his favorite books, “Truck Tricks,” and Caleb walked over and picked it up from under a few others.  He understands the names of toys (if I ask him to “find Snoopy” he goes running and comes back with Snoopy), the meaning of “off” and “on,” the meaning of the word “eat,” and several other things that I’m probably forgetting at the moment.  He knows several body parts and can point them out, including nose, eyes, ears, hair, belly and feet.  He is such a smart boy!

    Some of Caleb’s favorite pastimes are reading, looking out the window, playing with his stuffed puppies (Snoopy is his favorite) and toy cars, pointing at every light in sight, and eating fruit.  He’s usually very cooperative, but throws a fit when it’s time to brush his teeth.  He gets comments all the time on his big, beautiful, brown eyes (which I think sometimes get him mistaken for a girl).  His hair is growing a bit shaggy in the back, so we’re taking him in for his first real haircut tomorrow afternoon.  Caleb loves to play with his Fisher Price laptop in Spanish mode.  He’s got quite a sense of humor; I just told him his toy was stuck when he tried to pull it out from under the coffee table and he laughed.  He also laughs every time I say “banana.”  Our new favorite mealtime game is to use the letters of his name to make words (C is for car, A is for apple, etc.).  The “B” is always banana and he laughs every time.  I also repeat the word alternating slow and fast; he gets a kick out of that, too.

    Sometimes I just sit in awe of my son and can’t believe how big he is.  Other times I look at him and he still looks so small.  He truly is our “miracle baby.”  I can’t begin to express how much life, love and laughter he has brought to our lives. 

  • Hmmmm…

    I haven’t posted since March.  I was actually thinking it had been longer than that…seems like forever!  I wanted so badly to vent on here the other day, but talked myself out of it because I didn’t think it was right to air my dirty laundry.  Now I can’t even remember what was bothering me.  There are certain things that I try to write down so that I won’t forget.  I guess it’s a good thing not to write down the “bad” things or situations or people that bother me.  There’s no need to look back and remember those things!  I’d much rather look back and remember the cute things my sweet Caleb does or the nice things my husband and family do for me.  And, if by chance, my children read my writings someday, I’d much rather have them reading the “good” things about their mother’s life.

    I decided at the end of Lent to begin a cycle of Novenas, beginning with the Divine Mercy Novena that is traditionally prayed between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Since then I have prayed a Novena to St. Dymphna, St. Joseph, and am currently praying the Holy Spirit Novena in preparation for Pentecost this Sunday.  The Novena prayers have really helped me to have a sense of peace and calm.  There is plenty going on in our lives right now to be upset, nervous, fretful and fearful of, but instead I just feel peaceful and calm.  I am trusting that God is in control and that He will provide for our family.  After all, He hasn’t let us down yet. 

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5